Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Post #282 "The ONE at the Top"

The root of who we are as humanity is in the unfolding of Consciousness.
The action of Consciousness is Choosing.
Deductively then, the root action of humanity is Choosing .
Humanity, as Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness, according to the action of Choosing, divides.
Consciousness divides according to Choice 'to Be' or 'To Become'.
This separates Consciousness into 'To Be'----to exist in Reality,
or 'To Become'----to exist in the Dream of 'Becoming'.
Because Consciousness divides,
Consciousness is not Entity but is a 'whole',
made up of its parts.
The Dream of Consciousness is to Become what it is not.
Consciousness Dreams of Becoming Reality.
Consciousness Dreams of Becoming Entity,
so Consciousness Dreams Entity out of its Perception of a Whole formed of parts.
Consciousness Creates its non-reality existence out of the Perceptions of Reality
played through how Consciousness Perceives Itself.
Example: Consciousness is Aware of its parts and pieces.
Consciousness is Aware that it is made up of cells that are as seeds if it-self.
From this Perception of itself,
Consciousness forms a further Perception of Entity.
Imitating the Entity of Reality, formed from its own Perception, Consciousness forms the
Collective Consciousness.
Consciousness intends to duplicate Reality, not as image, but as Becoming Reality.
For Consciousness to Become Reality,
Reality must be removed,
that Consciousness can take the place of Reality within itself.
But, of course, this can't work!
Nothingness can never Become Reality!
Reality IS
and because Reality IS,
Nothingness IS NOT.
The outcome is that the action of the Dream of Consciousness Creates.
The Dream is energy.
The Dream Creates.
The Dream cannot Become what it Is Not.
The Dream remains Dream.   
The action of Dream produces Image.
The image is the result of the Perceptions of the Dreamer.
All of this is the root of all that follows.
All that is the Process of Division.
All that we know as Creation.
All that we know as history
All that we know in our history,
in Creation,
in the Dream, that as Consciousness, we all Dream,
as the Collective Consciousness,
in Consciousness.
As humanity in Creation,
as humanity in Wilderness,
as humanity in Civilization,
as humanity Creating an Image of Becoming an Entity it has no ability to Observe,
as it has Chosen,
as Collective Consciousness,
to Perceive.
We, humanity, long to Become what it Is Not.
Consciousness , and so humanity, has Chosen to remove, to obliterate, Reality.
Without Reality, Consciousness has no concept of Entity.
The only concept Consciousness/humanity has of Entity is from the Perception
of itself as a Whole,
as a Collective of many cells of itself,
all comparing and competing to gather to itself All Essence,
 and thereby qualify for the top spot on the pyramid of ONENESS.

For Oneness is what it is all about.
Entity is ONENESS.
Humanity Dreams of the Oneness, not of Reality, but of it-Self.
The Dream, the Desire, of Consciousness is to Become One.
To Become Entity.
Because only Entity is Infinite!
This is what it is all about.
The basic emotion, felt by Consciousness is Fear.
It is Fear because Creation Is Not Infinite.
We fear non-existence.
We fear 'ending'.
So indirectly, we fear being alone while we fear 'otherness'
and those we Perceive as 'Other'.
At the same time we fear being alone, we fear otherness,
forgetting that 'self' is aloneness .
On the pyramid of humanity, the pyramid of Wealth/Possession, Identity, and Authority,
we identity that self-of-self in selfness,
 and that other-of-self in otherness.
That 'otherness' translates as loss of humanity.
Of course, its all for the sake of Essence.
Who will amass the greatest amount of Essence and thereby attain the fulfillment
of the Dream by sitting on the throne of supremacy at the top of the pyramid---
-----all humanity reduced to levels of sub-human or non-human,
totally drained of the Essence of Being, totally drained of Essence of being
The ONE at the top,
---who would that be?
Who would qualify?
Who could amass the Essence of All humanity?
Who could control ALL humanity?
Who would have The Authority?
Is this where civilization is headed?
Was and is civilization to be the process that led, that leads, to the fulfillment of the Dream?
Did we ever expect that the Dream would be fulfilled in ONE person?
Is this fulfillment in One the outcome of civilization?
Did not civilization lead to this outcome? 
In Wilderness, there were many trees, trees of great size that gave nourishing food
to a few humans that did not have to plant and harvest.
In civilization, there are many, many humans.
A few scrawny trees are left and it has become risky to eat the food.
Humanity enters Creation as One.
enters the Process of Division and becomes two.
Two divides and becomes a few.
Few moves from Wilderness to Civilization by breaking down further,
creating more humans,
 through further division of Consciousness,
of Self,
until Self is in myriad parts and pieces,
----all cells of itself 

Now, these cells compare to find similarity and group according to systems of
of economy,
of politics,
of governance
---all for the purpose of unbalancing the distribution of Essence.
Through systems as listed above, the supply of Essence is manipulated.
The concern for the Whole, which could be translated as,
concern for the Whole through the Perception and primary
concern for the Self----
----which is closer to the Truth of whatever Truth could be found.
In civilization, the Whole is necessary for the survival of the Self.
keeping in mind the Dream of the Collective being the Dream of the Self of
individual Consciousness.

The closer the pyramid comes to the One remaining, the closer the
Choice of each cell of the Collective Consciousness takes precedence over the
Consciousness attempts to change Existence from Duality of Self and Other to
Oneness of Self.

The ONE remaining will be Creator.
This ONE will create a new existence from His Perception of
Who we have Become.
The ONE on top,
The ONE remaining,
will be perceived as having Become the Dream of the Wilderness,
for Civilization.

In Observation, the Dream of Wilderness is only the Perception of that dominant
that ONE,
that gorged on the Essence of all the 'others'----------
because they were all reduced to 'other' as their Essence was siphoned off.

What was Self-of-Self,
has Become The ONE remaining---
all the other-of-self cells are empty and deprived of their very own Essence.
These are the multitudes of people that long for the Wilderness
as they struggle to find food on the few remaining trees
that grow in the Garden of the Eden of Civilization 


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