Sunday, November 20, 2016

Post #279 "Human, Sub-human, Non-human"

Creation is the Process of Division.
Creation divides into Time, Place, and Matter.
Humanity divides into human, sub-human, and non-human.
All people are not created equal.
Humans are created by the Collective Consciousness through the creative process of division.
Consciousness creates by dividing,
by categorizing
by qualifying
by sectioning off ---
-----all through division,
----all through division of the Self of Consciousness that has rejected the
Singular Self and Singular Other of Reality.
Humanity divides it-self into categories,
ranging from essential to it-Self,
to of no or little value to it-Self.
It comes down to the struggle for survival,
being that the Choice of the Collective Consciousness is to create.
Its all image, really.
Its all about what it can be made to look like,
Its all about appearances.
Its all about staging.
Creation, as image, is all about making it appear to be what it 'is not',
 We Dream what we Desire 'to Become'.

How to Make Creation Resemble Reality.

What is it about Reality most Dreamed of by the Perceiving Consciousness?
-------the Perceiving Self of Consciousness?
Oh, its obvious !
Its very obvious.
First of all, we fear annihilation----
We fear death,
We fear growing old,
We fear sickness and injury---
so we struggle to survive
----We struggle to survive our own Choice. 
 We Dream that we will conquer death----
through belief in the God of Religion and through the skills of science/technology,
-----through the 'We' God of Religion to the 'I' God of Science/Technology 

We struggle to Become our Dream.
In the struggle to survive our own creation, we Dream, we pretend, we make-believe.
We create the scenario in which we pretend to have control.
We create religion to control that which we fear and have brought about through Choice.
Where religion doesn't work, we create science.
History moves the God of Creation from community into the Perfected Self.
---from Wilderness into Community into Created Oneness of Self.

Science realizes the Dream of religion by Becoming the God of Creation-----the God
that has gained Authority over life and death.
Its all with the purpose of convincing ourselves we made the right Choice.

Those of the Collective Consciousness have Chosen to reject and remove the
Singular Other of Reality,
and through this Choice, lost the Entity and Infiniteness
of the Singular Self.
This Choice brought about the breakdown of the Self of Consciousness into all the divisions,
and divisions of divisions, and more divisions of that to what we are,
to what we do, and to what we IMAGE-ine our existence.

When Self of Consciousness breaks down into cells of itself, each cell struggles for survival.
Each cell compares and then competes for the Essence of Consciousness
against other cells of itself.
Each time a cell robs another cell of Essence, through competition, through categorizing,
through humiliation, through abuse, through war------all ways of annihilating
and dehumanizing the Self, no matter how much Essence it has accumulated,
that cell is diminished,
that cell is dehumanized.

Because of the duality of Existence, Self needs Other to be Self.
Selfness exists in the Otherness of Other,
not as in dependent bit as in Witness and Validation.
This is Reality.
Self needs Other to convince it-self who Self Is.
This is lost in non-reality as Self cannot be convince of 'Being' as non-reality is about 'Becoming'.
In non-reality, Self divides it-self to provide for its own needs of Identity.
For Self to Become the Dream of Self, Self must establish Self's Identity.
In non-realty, in creation,
how can Self Become its Dream when it is always 'Becoming'?
---when it is always Dreaming?
-----when it can never achieve that Dreamed of state of Perfection?
In non-reality, in creation, who will notice what Self has Become, without Other?
----without an 'other' that is not comparing and competing for survival,
-----when any semblance of 'otherness' is only selfness of self divided against Self?
Who will promote Self to higher levels of it-Self if not Other?

Why do we die?
Why does everything come to an end?
----because Reality has been replaced by the non-reality of creation.
------because the Singular Self and the Singular Other of Reality has been replace by the divided self
of the Collective Consciousness.
----because Entity of Reality has been replaced by the Process of Division of Creation.
------because the Infinite Reality has been replace by the Authority of the Laws of Creation.

In Creation, Self needs Other, but not to Observe, Witness, and Validate Selfness,
but to be sacrificed to Self's Dream of Becoming.
Self dehumanizes Self by sacrificing a part, a cell, of it-Self to its Dream.

Let's look at the Dream.
The Dream is Perception, it is not Reality.
It is how Self Perceives Self.
The Dream creates the image of what creation images as Power.
Power images in creation as Authority.
And so the history of creation moves from wilderness to civilization.
Civilization is amassing Essence from as many sources of Essence as possible.
Civilization is about dividing self into many parts and pieces and then subjecting
those parts and pieces to levels of dehumanization for the purpose of siphoning off
their Essence.
What better way to accumulate and amass Essence than by gaining control over as many parts as possible?
-----by allowing and encouraging division through birth to create larger and larger 'stables'
to provide Essence that is already owned through pre-established Authority?

These that, through birth, are already under Authority that allows their presence for the sake of
Desiring to drain their Essence?
Is not that Authority that which determines who is human from who is sub-human,
to who is not accepted in the category of humanity?

Throughout history, Essence is siphoned off, layer from layer, until there remains
only the top layer that has accumulated all the Essence from all the generations through all
the years-----
The Process of Division leads to One surviving, the One that Possess all the Essence
of Consciousness.

How does the Collective Consciousness divide it-Self?
It divides by creating from it-Self the Image of the Other.
Self then absorbs the Essence of the Imaged Other,
thereby reducing the cell of other to a level that is less than human.
That cell of Consciousness, that human being, loses Essence, loses Self,
and Becomes to it-Self, as self-of-self and as other-of-self, as less than human----as sub-human.
Sub-human---a human deprived of its Essence thereby loosing the Essence of being human.
When a cells of humanity are robbed of  Essence, they lose Identity as human.
Human becomes sub-human.
Total loss of Essence, of Identity, becomes non-human.

How is Essence taken from one cell to another?
What causes a cell to gorge on the Essence of another cell, and then, empowered, continue gorging until no other-of-self remains?
Eventually, all the Essence of the cells of humanity are invested in One Cell.
All the Power of Creation Becomes invested in One Cell.
One Cell represents all of humanity.
Where does this Imaging present it-self?
In religion?
In science/technology?
In sports?
In politics?
 In whatever determines Economic Authority,
Economic Control.
As Economy is the recording of the Possession of Essence,
----of the Essence of survival.

In the struggle for survival, the human self of Consciousness determines
which cells are cells of self-of-self from other-of-self.
The self groups with the similar cells and degrades the other-than-self cells
to the status of sub-human or non-human according to its fear of extinction.

Essence of Selfness creates humanity from Consciousness.
Each cell of Consciousness struggles to survive.
As each cell possess Essence, the struggle is to amass as much Essence as possible./
The struggle, as noted throughout history, is brutal.
This is the driving force behind 'who we are'.
We constantly monitor our value through comparison.
We compare and then, we compete.
We want what is ours plus whatever is anyone else's.

We compare and compete according to how much or how little Essence we have.
This struggle to amass Essence divides humanity.
The struggle for Essence incites creation as a constant battlefield of aggression
and fear.
The distribution of Essence begins even before birth.
A large share of Essence determines our ranking high on the scale of value.
A small share of Essence places as cell on a low scale of value.
This is the only scale that really matters,
----all other scales of worth/value derive from here.

So we determine who has worth
This worth is based on the scale of that which will ultimately serve the Self.
This scale determines who will serve and who will be served.
This scale determines who will gain Essence from who will lose Essence.
This scale determines who will Rule and who will obey.
This scale determines Authority----
Authority which enforces the scale of value.

In this scale, only those of Authority are determined, by themselves, as truly human.
In Authority, it is 'Their Rule' that is the determinate.
As Time moves, all are forced under their Rule.
All lose Essence to them under their Rule.
All methods to make this value shift happen are employed.
People are used, with the attraction of and to Authority, to offer their Essence,
in the hope of being included in the Ruling classification.
While in use, these may refer to themselves as 'human'.
When their Essence is depleted, they are moved to the rank of sub-human or even
non-human in the case of slavery.
Non-human is the status of having no Choice---
---all Choice having been obliterated by Authority.
Who will Possess the Essence---
ALL the Essence,
until no one else remains?

The Self of Consciousness that totally steps out of the Self of Perception, the Self
of Dreams, the Self of non-reality, leaving behind all opinions, all conceptions, all
philosophies, all pre-conceived notions,
is the Self that can and must emerge from the Collective Consciousness,
-------the Self that Observes 'what Is' as 'what Is',
that is the Singular Self of Reality as Observed and Witnessed by the Singular
Other of Reality.
This Self is the Self of Entity,
This Self is the Self of Infinity.
This is the Self, in total Selfness, set free from the Self of Self that Observes and Witnesses the
Singular Other in total 'Otherness' in Reality.


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