Sunday, November 20, 2016

Post #280 "How is Essence Lost?"

How is Essence lost?
How is Essence gained?
Essence is lost primarily through loss of Possession,
which includes loss of Identity.
In reverse, when enough Essence is gained through possession
and Identity,
the Right to Authority is conferred and assumed.
This results in Authority being dependent on Possession and Identity.
----and on Possession and Identity being dependent on Authority.
The Consciousness of Humanity lives in its Creation in fear.
Fear is the basic human emotion.
This emotion expresses Consciousness's reaction to its Choice to Dream.
The Dreaming of Consciousness 'To Become' and the Choice to exist in the
Dream caused Consciousness to cancel out Reality.
When Reality is canceled out of existence,
Entity is canceled.
  Consciousness divides itself into its parts and pieces---
---into its cells.
Consequently, Consciousness is a Whole, meaning is sum total of parts or cells.
Consciousness loses Entity.

Consciousness divides itself as existence is Duality.
Existence is the Duality of Reality and Nothingness/non-reality.
As Non-reality exists, canceling out Reality brings non-reality forward in Consciousness.
Non-Reality becomes dominant in Dreaming as it is not balanced by Reality.
Because the action of Consciousness is Choosing,
Consciousness Chooses between Reality and non-reality
Because of the Duality of Existence, Consciousness makes up existence totally within itself.
Consciousness divides itself when the Reality of Self and Other of Reality is canceled out.

So Consciousness, as humanity, divides itself into cells that Choose Reality or Choose
 Cells Choosing Non-reality continue within Self the Process of Division.
These cells divide and continue dividing until 'Nothing' is left and they just
fade away.
This is the story of Creation.
This is the story of Humanity.
This is our History.
All stories, all of history are against this background of the Process of Division
that marks all that we are.
 The Process of Division is the action of the Choice of Consciousness to remove itself
from Reality and Become a cell of the Choice of Consciousness "To Become"
rather than 'To Be'.

In 'who we are' and 'what we do', we continue the Process of Division.
As the Collective Consciousness, we are all caught up in this Process.
If we have Chosen the 'To Be'  of Reality we can and we must emerge
from the Collective Consciousness and search out Reality.

To make up for the denial of Reality, which is the denial of the Singular Self and the
Singular Other, we Create our own reality.
we live within that created reality, that created existence
We Create our Perception of Reality within ourself.
We divide ourself, that within ourself exists the fractured, remaining Self and Other,
not of Reality, but of non-reality.
This fracturing of our Consciousness affects not only the created 'self-of-self but also
the created self-of-other.
 All created from Self, by Self, within Self and for Self to Become its Dream.

As Consciousness divides, all creation divides, in all possible ways of dividing.
Even our elements of Creation, Time, Place, and Matter, are elements of
We break everything down into segments that we can control.
Because we are a Whole--we are the Collective, made up of parts and pieces, as in cells,
we fear dividing down to 'Nothingness' and fading away.
We fear our loss of Entity and our loss of Infinity.
We fear Death.
We struggle to survive.
We need the Essence of Self that was lost, as Reality was lost.
We need the Observation, Witness, and Validation of Self by Other as Self
Observes, Witnesses, and Validates Other,
All as Infinite Entity.

We break ourselves down into cells that seek similarity in other cells.
We group into cells of similarity that give comfort to our need to be affirmed in our
Through the Process of Division, we determine likeness and we determine 'differentness'.
What is not similar, what is 'different, we determine as foreign, as hostile, as enemy.
Its all about how Consciousness Chooses between Realty and Non-reality.
Of how Consciousness breaks itself down into cells.
Of how the cells break down into classifications of Creation.
Of how Creation breaks down into classifications that include humanity.
Of how humanity breaks itself down into classifications of humanity
that exaggerate of deprive humanity of its Selfness,
of its survival ability

Its all about Essence.
Determining 'difference from' or 'likeness to', allows Essence to flow from one
cell to another,
thereby strengthening one while depleting another.
Determining differences from similarities is the exercise of 'Comparing'.
Humans, as a pre-genetic characteristic, compare, determining classifications and levels
of humaness,
either exalting humaness or depriving humaness.
---either by Worshipping or by de-humanizing

This determines history.
Where have cells of likeness grouped for strength in order to deplete cells perceived
 as different and thereby excluded.
Excluding is depleting
Exclusion means exclusion from the Identity of human.
That excluded cell or that excluded person is not Perceived as human, not as the Self is Perceived
as human.
Exclusion puts on the label, the classification, of sub-human.
Humans have created so many excuses throughout history to feel specialness,
to feel better than and above, other humans.
These special ones feel entitled to amass Essence at the expense of  'other' cells.

The need to Identify,
for the sake of feeling entitled to Essence of other cells,
creates and breaks down humanity into groups of cells accepted as human,
as sub-human, as non-human.
We establish systems that provide for some by obliterating others
 all for the sake of their Essence.
These are systems of human creating sub-human and non-human from within it-Self.

Ultimate Essence is in what and who we Worship.
Ultimate Worship is in who we Dream of Becoming.
We Worship that we may Become.
We all aim for Perfection.
But what is Perfection if not our God.
Is God not the ALL of who we are.
As God is said to Create heaven and earth,
 is this Creation not the ALL, the Total?

If God Creates,
then we say that ALL belongs to God.
If we know that ALL belongs to God, how do we account for the accumulation and depletion
of Essence creating Power and Power groups and Power people?
How can we determine who should inherit Power
and who should forfeit Power?
Then,  if God has ALL---
----All belongs to God----
Do we access God's Power and yet need the Power of those we consider 'other'?

Do we create worship because we need worship to determine our value.
What do we worship?
Sources of what we perceive as Essence.
Essence, basically, is value.
We Worship what we value.
Value is Power.

As cells form the Whole of Consciousness,
humans seek humans that resemble Self to form a Whole,
 as cells of Consciousness seek out cells that most resemble Self in the Collective.
The Whole is formed to protect individual Essence,
secure, and enlarge the common store of Essence,
thereby insuring the safety and investment possibilities of personal Essence.

Maybe this is the impetus not only to Creation
but also to Civilization.
Was not Authority, because of and over Essence,
 what ignited Civilization to emerge out of the Wilderness?


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