Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Post #111 "How Real is My Reality?"

How real is my reality? What is Reality? Physicists admittedly seem baffled as to just what is real. (Please refer to Post #1 "The Reality of Non-reality, What is Real"for reference point). Is my reality real because it is real to me? If my reality is real to me, does it matter if maybe it is not real at all? My reality is certainly not Real to everybody of all Time and all Place. But how could this be? The existence of my reality brings into scope my own existence. If my reality is not real beyond myself, do I exist beyond myself? Scientists seem puzzled, and rightly so, for it is very hard to admit that there is existence beyond or even outside of what we experience as our own existence. This puzzle brings up further questions as to wondering...if there is a 'beyond existence', do we have access to it or at least knowledge of it? Is it even possible to have knowledge of it much less access to it? Has religion conjured up a possible answer with a reality that is Real or is religion"s answer with an image designed to bring about a control system of political roots? If the hypothesis presented in this writing of creation being an image of Reality has any value, it would seem that the very presence of an image existence proves the reality of a Reality beyond the scope of our thoughts and imaginings.

Holographic science seems to be the best tool we have to understanding what we can know as image of a Reality that our existence only reflects, and as holographic science implies, reflects through distortion. It is difficult to understand that no matter how accurate the reproduction, the image just is not the Reality. As to creation...creation is the image of Reality. Creation can never be Reality. The impetus to creation is the Collective Consciousness of Intelligence, the Intelligence, the Awareness, of all Times and all Places of creation that desires to be what it is not. The desire is never to be the image but to be the Reality. Who would ever choose to be an image? Our very human personas scream out against this insinuation.

So how does this imaging come about? Let's take a shot at an explanation. When the desire to become Reality stirs the primordial abyss of Nothingness, energy, frenetic energy produces heat, heat which produces water, and through various chemical reactions, produces matter, the stuff of creation. Matter, the stuff of creation is image of what Intelligence surmises reality to be. It cannot be Real because it is not Reality....it is outside reality. It is a surmised guess as to Reality. We guess at Reality according to our needs and desires. Our needs and desires always boiling down to the need and desire for power. These needs seem to be our recipe for Reality.

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