Monday, August 18, 2014

Post #118 "Creation to Nothingness"

Creation is a process of division. Creation divides itself down until nothing remains. Here, at nothing, Creation reenters Nothingness. Creation emerged from Nothingness, and again, through its own choice and determination, ends itself. Creation actually devours itself. So in our sense of Time unfolding, Creation was at its healthiest, its least divided, and the closest to what would be considered the Perfection of un-reality. Perfection is most obvious and attainable in the beginning of Creation before all the division unfolded. Now, in our technological world, isn't this a suprise? We have in previous posts discussed the creative, so called, scientific division of the atoms and elements that brought about creation. Now let's take a look at the social process of division and its effects. The first societal division of creation is the division of basic amoeba. Amoeba broke down, amoeba divided  down, into male and female...not quite the biblical creation story of female from the rib of male. It has been argued which came first, the egg or the chicken or male or female, but it remains that amoeba is neither and both. Male and female emerged from amoeba. Why the split? After all, consciousness had the choice to do as it desired, as with all of creation. This choice of Intelligence is not under the rules of Time unfolding and so is made in Timelessness....knowing no beginning and no ending. This choice came from the dreams, desires, choice, and consequent effects of Intelligence. When Intelligence analyzes and assesses the outcome, the final questions will have to be asked....."did we succeed? Did we accomplish what we set out to do? Have we attained Perfection? Have we become God? Are we, indeed, God? Have we created Infinity? Have we become Entity?" (If we return to amoeba, as amoeba is closer to Entity, there will no longer be the division of amoeba into male and female. If we conquer death, there will be no need for childbearing and birth...we are definitly on our way here). If we find that we have mastered creation we will, indeed, have become the God of Creation. When we have again returned to the amoeba state, when we have created life in a test tube, we will indeed have become the God of Creation. When we have conquered death and no one dies, we will indeed, have become the God of Creation. However, the God of Creation is Non-reality. The God of Creation begins and ends in the Great Nothingness.

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