Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Post #112 "Are We REALLY Living Longer?"

Are we really living longer? Are we living longer than people at any other time in history? We think we are but in Reality we are not. We are not living longer because Time itself is moving faster and faster. The movement of Time is accelerating. If Time is moving faster---minutes, hours, days, years are moving faster and faster, consequently, we also are moving faster and faster through our lives. Can't you feel it? Can't you feel the hecticness and freneticism of our lives and life-styles? What a difference in the pace of life from only a generation or two ago. For instance, in music---songs used to be popular for a longer time, maybe even a few years. Today's songs barely have time to go into print before becoming obsolete. We are living in a disposable age. We have lost the appreciation of art, artisans, and true craftsmen, and now judge quality on efficiency, sales, and mass production. The world is being moved about, flattened, and redone, in a matter of hours by large earth-moving equipment. But have our lives Really improved? Is the world any saner or our environments any safer or healthier? It seems not so. We are broken people and we are breaking into smaller and smaller pieces of ourselves at each increment of Time. At each level of the division of Time, an increment occurs. This rate of division establishes the rate at which Time moves.(Please refer back to blogs #3, #9, and #13). The rate at which increments divide down into smaller increments moves Time faster. Creation is a process of division. The process of division is an accelerating process.

Creation is not stagnant but is in the process of becoming. Creation is in the process of becoming itself, of creating itself and then recreating itself, over and over again. By using itself  in the process of becoming, creation needs energy, so uses itself by eating, by devouring, itself. Thereby creation becomes smaller and smaller. When something new and innovative occurs it is at the expense of something already existing. Creation creates itself through destroying itself. This rate of division is accelerating and the pieces are becoming smaller, consequently, we, of Creation, are also breaking into smaller piece of ourselves. We are becoming more broken. We are broken people. In the process of division: at the first increment of Time, division occurs. At this first division, one becomes two. At the second increment of division, two becomes four. The rate of division has doubled. At the third increment of division, four becomes eight and then eight divides at the next increment and on and on until days, weeks, years, become smaller and pass with accelerating speed. What we experience as a week now may well have been a year a few generations ago. We are not, in Reality, living longer but we are living faster. The by-word for today is 'busy'. No one has enough Time. Time is passing too quickly!

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