Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Post #121 "The Original 'Evil' Choice"

Let's get down to it. What initiated Intelligence to make the first choice? What choice by Intelligence caused the loss of Reality? As we have previously noted;...we can find some answers in ourselves. In our dispositions, our genetic outlooks, how we express ourselves, in our stories, in our religions, in civilization itself, just to list a few. If we put ourselves in the original position of Intelligence and its relationship to Reality; what would we feel? What would we choose? What was Intelligence thinking about as to a possible outcome of its choice? Actually, we know the outcome. The choice of Intelligence brought about the great separation between itself and Reality. I would suggest that this situation of separation is at the root of violence, war, and crime today and throughout all of history. It seems obvious that no 'good' came out of that first choice. Consequently, one could suppose that evil resulted, that here, before Time began, 'evil' was birthed. Now let's state it clearly...the first 'evil' (evil as determined by religion) was the choice by Intelligence that brought about separation----separation from Reality. Why 'evil'? "Evil' because from this event our brokenness, our pain and suffering, our death resulted. From here, creation unfolded and unfolds; all a process and repetition of the original action. Creation, the process of division, unfolds from the originating division of Intelligence from Reality. That first action that brings and brought about brokenness and death, is and was, division....the result of the first choice.

We are all a part of that choice for we all have been causes of division. Division is division and as we can see, precedes Time itself. Division brought about Time. Time is all about division...years into months, months into weeks, then days, into hours... How can we not see that we all share in the choice, when division is our very nature? We can't even identify this basic characteristic in ourselves. When we come together, when we join, in some way, to form some union with others, we see it a uniting. But it's not a uniting. It is the opposite of uniting. It is a division. What we see as coming together in actuality is dividing...that is an effort at grouping only to divide away from and stand against, the rest of humanity. Here, in pre-creation, before photons of light were first set free and created the cosmic microwave background, before the biblical God of Creation divided the light from the darkness and waters from above from waters from below, division began. Division continued as amoeba gave birth to male and female. With religion further breaking humanity down into camps of power centered around the representative God, civilization becomes identifiable. The division continues ever on in the increase, as humans divide into race, into color, nationality, political groups and now, in disguise, especially into sports. Joining sports teams so we can stand against and prove ourselves better than everyone else.

began with religion...what God would represent us and empower us? This God would have to be more powerful that all other gods. Is this unoity? No, it is not unity. It is a divinision from other sfor power....power for what purpose? Overcoming others? In the nane of our God?

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