Saturday, August 9, 2014

Post #115 "The Walls of Non-Reality"

The choice to create was made by Intelligence. It was always by Intelligence. Creation was never the choice of Reality much less the work of Reality. Why would the Reality ever choose to have anything to do with what was not Real? Intelligence chose to create, to remove itself, from Reality! 'How' and 'why' are big questions here. As to the 'how' question: If Intelligence chose to remove itself from Reality, it would have to divide itself, separate itself, away from Reality by creating a space apart, a space outside of. How does one separate from Reality? This would require division lines or walls......some kind of parameters, some kind of separation. But how does one create walls between Reality and Nothingness? As Reality exists, the only way to divide away from Reality would be to not exist at all or exist in another way that was not Real (which is the same as not existing at all). This though, would not be existence of another dimension but something like another dimension, another existence. Basically, creating is a bringing forth out of nothing. Creation was called forth out of the abyss of Nothingness. Intelligence gave birth to Image. Intelligence gave birth to a shadow land that does not really exist---except to itself.

Creation itself is a separation from Reality and so is like an enfolding womb giving birth and sustenance to that which it contains. These walls of creation are made up of the elements of creation: Time, Place, and Matter. Each of these elements is a further block, blocking creation from Reality for Reality knows no Time, Place, or Substance; substance as we know substance, which is the substance of Non-reality. The purpose for creating Time is and was 'becoming' create an unfolding for the purpose of creation. That which was dreamed of and desired by Intelligence was not able to happen at once but was a process that demanded Time for the transformation to occurr, for the 'becoming' to occur. Place was needed as the reflecting surface on which to caste the image. And Matter was the stuff of creation...the stuff that makes it all seem so Real.

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