Friday, August 8, 2014

Post #114 "Creation's Departure From Reality"

Out of a void, out of Nothingness, an energy sets free photons of light that begin creation by creating the cosmic microwave background. What was this primal energy that begat creation? What caused this energy? Why did creation begin here and in such a manner? Did creation begin here or did creation originate in an idea from the mind of Intelligence that stirred and fussed about in the abyss of Nothingness? For the abyss was always there. The abyss was not created. The abyss exists! In Timelessness, there was Reality and there was the abyss, because as we all know... if there is Something there must also be Nothing. The dichotomy was always there....the first division.......Something and Nothing. If Something is taken away......there is Nothing. So, there was Reality and there was Nothingness....the Abyss of Nothingness.

What could possibly be the reason for Intelligence to do what it did? do what it does?  Why would the Intelligence want to create? Why would Intelligence want to cause the stirring, the action, the pulsating energy of creation? Why would Intelligence desire, choose, to create? What caused the restlessness? If there was Something and there was Nothing, why would Intelligence choose Nothing? Perhaps it was because Intelligence was unable to influence or change Reality? It would seem then that this whole mess called creation was desired and called into its own being by Intelligence with, whatever Reality is, not being involved at all but allowing it to happen. Ironically, Reality provided the impetus that stirred in the mind of Intelligence. (More about this in Post #115 to come)

So, the action of separation is an action of Nothingness! Reality was and is not involved in creation. This certainly makes sense...why would that which is Real desire to create that which is not Real? Why would Reality desire anything other than Reality? But why, why, why, would Intelligence desire to remove itself from Reality? This is what it all really boils down to....Intelligence desires and chooses to remove itself from Reality by creating its own environment. This environment must then, set off creation from Reality, set itself apart from or divided from Nothingness causing a division, a rift line between itself and Reality. Notice here the process of division at work in initial functionings of creation.

What is necessary for division? What is necessary for separation? Very clearly cut separating lines would be necessary, as in boundaries, as in walls. What walls would separate Nothingness from Reality---Creation from Reality? Three things would be necessary: Time, Place, and Substance/Matter.....the three properties that make up creation.... the three elements of Creation.

(Post #115 to come will  develop this idea of the dividing lines of demarcation)                  

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