Monday, September 29, 2014

Post #141 "The Victim"

To conquer that which is considered powerful is to prove one's self as being more powerful, as special and set apart, as having been chosen , as in having attained God's qualities, as in having power over life and death; the very qualities attributed to God. So too, the same comparison can be made in relationship to people who are victims of those seeking power.These victims are used by those seeking power as trophies. The lame doe (post #140) was of little value to the worth of the hunter, so consequently, did not qualify as a trophy as she had already been sacrificed. Through the natural selection theory, (post #140) she would be made to give what little she was but would never be a prize. She would add little to the assets or reputation of the hunter. Here is where the role of the feminine comes into focus.


The female, as the victim, is the male's trophy and his status is affected by her qualities, as his possession.The more she is valued, usually for her beauty and sexual allurements, the greater the status attributed to the male that possess her.The female is so conditioned in this male ego building game, that she is quite unaware that she is a trophy, indeed she vies to be the prize. The female has so little self-identity that she can only think as a victim, so she chooses to be the best victim. She even becomes competitive with other females for the prize status as this is her only value. The feminine today, girls and women, are more victims than ever before in history because they are so unaware of their loss of identity. The spend more and more time, money, and energy, on trying to be of value..., to be beautiful, to be sexy, to be of value, to be the Prize. The need women have to be young, alluring, beautiful, and enticing and sexually exciting, is a life-long struggle and agony. Who will be awarded first place? Who will be awarded the prize? Who will be the most desirable by male standards? What, if any, male will want her? Who will bring the most value to their captor? A used female is of less or no value as she has already been sacrificed.

The victim must be destroyed to be truly possessed. The game of continuing role playing of non-reality to Reality is played out on all layers of creation, beginning with the feminine. The feminine is, as previously noted, the first and foremost victim. In all of history, the female is unsurpassed as slave. In all the history of abuse and slavery, the female has been the most possessed, abused, deprived, and enslaved. Religion originated and determined the inferior status of women by identifying the masculine with God. Here slavery, all forms of abuse, victimization, and sin, originated, for woman/Eve was the first victim. According to the Didascalia, a third century manual on church organization which supported and abetted the social status of women, it was mandated that a woman's value lay in her embracing Shame in her sexual vulnerability. It emphasized that the feminine functioned as a sexual symbol for shame and the basis of all sin. It was described that the feminine personality should be discreet, shy, restrained, timid, and vulnerable. Feminine sexuality needed to be protected by passivity, subordination, and seclusion in the household. The male was described as honorable, powerful, with a natural desire for precedence and an aggressive sexuality, making the woman responsible for the man's sin if he sexually over indulged He was not responsible in any way, after all, she lured him. She enticed him. He didn't have a chance. From Winkler, 'Constraints of Desire' 211-217. This attitude of sexual responsibility is very much present in today's world society, including the ways that courts of law determine responsibility and crime. This is our world reality.

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