Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Post #126 "Civilized Violence"

We stand at the gate of the Garden. The first sense is a sense of loss for the division of creation has already been at work. Humanity has divided...male and female they have divided. But even before that, creation separated from Reality, creation divided from Reality. Through creation's sin against itself, there was and is a sense of dividing and separating even and especially, from oneself. We divide ourselves into bits and pieces. Frustration. Panic. And then the urge to destroy, for a horrible mistake has been made. A horrible choice has been made and the results are not at all what was hoped for and longed for. That God that we desired to become is out of reach, terribly out of reach, like behind walls, large impenetrable walls, walls that we ourselves created. Intelligence feels a need for vengeance. Humanity feels a need for vengeance. We feel a need for vengeance, for violent vengeance. But on who do we act out our frustrations? A victim is needed. Someone who will stand in our place and accept whatever abuse we need to bestow in order to expiate our guilt, as we can not express our hatred on ourselves. Division creates victims. A victim is a victim because of its vulnerability. The vulnerable become victims. The vulnerable become food for the ravenous appetites of the powerful. Division is all about vulnerability and power. The desire to become God is all a desire for power. Why settle for less power when the ultimate power, that ultimate power of God, is within a choice?

So division creates the need for power. Power is energy. There is energy in all matter in creation and certainly in humanity. What we feel we lack, we can take from someone else. But first we must create vulnerability. There is no power without weakness. So who is powerful and who is victim? Everything in creation has a strong side and a weak side, and if there is not a weak side, a weak side will be readily created. Lets begin with intelligence. Intelligence created humanity from the matter of creation. Then, to establish power and weakness, humanity divided into male and female, and into race, color, religion political systems, ad nauseum. Of course, all this division requires violence. The very act of creation was violence at its ultimate.

The divisions of creation are innumerable as creation is division....the creation of non-reality. Ours is a history of victimization, hence violence. Violence creates the perpetrator and violence creates the victim. Violence began creation. Violence will end creation. As atoms, in the process of creation, break down into smaller and smaller subatomic particles, creation, including humanity, breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces of itself. As atoms lose all definition until they finally just pass away, so too the weak lose all definition , and also, just pass away.

There is nothing inherently strong in needing to take strength from others. This need to drain the weak shows that the so-called powerful are weak themselves and are unable to admit that they have no knowledge of Reality. When the strength from the weak and the vulnerable has been depleted, the powerful will always create more vulnerability to feed upon until only one remains...the most powerful. The God of Creation/the Collective  Consciousness and Unconsciousness will then recall Reality and begin to dream. Desire will bring about Choice to become that which image is not and the abyss will begin to frenetically stir again into a great rage. Energy. Heat. Water.....the primordial waters of Nothingness.......Future creating Past.   

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