Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Post #142 "Slavery, Sin, Female"

The female was a slave in all ways, especially she was a sexual slave, while the male was admired for his sexual prowess and ability. The excuse used for assigning victim-hood on those considered inferior was that victims were needed to be the source of sin, the source of contamination of sin in the masculine. If someone else could be blamed for the sin , the sin did not rest on the shoulders of the one who sinned. Common ruses were the accusations of witchcraft and adultery, all used in sexually suggestive overtones and undertones. These accusations and ensuing abuse, which included death, were intended for and applied only to the victims/the female but never to the perpetrator, never accused the male victimizer, who, in the eyes of the church, stood in the place of God. This thinking is behind the present day church's determination to avoid scandal and handle the abuse accusations in house in the predominance of the pedophilia cases finally coming to light. The masculine made the laws to keep the feminine under their control and to serve as the scape goat for the sins of the masculine. The feminine was first forced into an inferior status by religion through its creation of sin.

The church created sin explicitly for the sake of committing the feminine to a life of the lowest status to protect the male from the stigma of sin. The church, through its history, its writings, its proclamations, and hierarchy, deigned that sin originated and resided only in the female. Any male accused of sin was not responsible for his sin as he was enticed and seduced, and thereby not responsible, by a woman. From the fourth century on, as the church became increasingly institutionalized, women were marginalized and scapegoated as their sexuality was and is surrounded with a sense of shame. Throughout history, religion has taught and engineered the method of female and child abuse, through systems of poverty, oppression, mortification, assault, and especially, the act of sex. Victimization occurs on all stages of humanity, including children and men. Males are abused by rival males through loss of their masculinity which means a status of femininity is cast on them. This dehumanizing treatment is meant to subdue and conquer them through the most insulting and debilitating manner possible. This abusive demasculinization usually includes cutting off the physical parts that identify them as male, thereby demoting them to the humiliating position of female. The feminine is the first level, the first layer of the divisions that follow the God/humanity dichotomy of creation. From here all further oppression moves to seeking to humiliate the weaker into the feminine role through demasculinization.

The feminine has become so thoroughly embedded, saturated, and convinced with who they are that they have come to identify and become the role assigned them. The situation is so severe that the female is completely unaware of what has happened to her and has completely lost all sense of identity. Actually, she has never had the chance to establish her true identity. The true female identity is totally unknown. Today, the female has been lulled into believing equality and freedom has finally been bestowed, consequently , the female sees status in being the most valued prize. She competes with other females to be the most attractive to men. In this gender struggle, all comes down to sexuality. She is the prize, but she is really the prey to the hunter. The loss of feminine identity could be compared psychologically to the captor/prisoner syndrome where the victim identifies with and through the captor by accepting whatever role or treatment as her due. The loss of the feminine was necessary to the male assumption of the role of God. The role of the male as God could not be established without that which would affirm and offer homage and obedience to that transference which seemingly had been won. With the homage and obedience from the inferior, the subordinate, the female, the transference was completed, for God is what is worshipped. The feminine enables the masculine to be God in God's place. Its all about the Reality of non-reality.

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