Friday, September 19, 2014

Post #134 "The Great Confusion"

The great confusion lies in knowing the difference between God and the Reality. Creation does not exist in and to Reality. Creation is created. Creation means having beginning and ending. Reality has no beginning, hence no ending. According to religion, creation is made out of nothing and includes heaven, the abode of God, and earth. (so what happens to God when heaven passes away? Does God go away too?) According to science, creation is made up of the stuff of atoms and basic elements. Both religion and science admit to a ending that is understood by religion as a prediction, "heaven and earth will pass away, (Mark 13:31), and by science as an observation of the break-down of atoms into smaller and smaller particles until finally losing all definition, also just pass away. God, is religion's answer to the unexplainable. Science, however, is uncomfortable with this explanation and raises a profound question. Carl Sagan saw two conflicting or alternative hypotheses, "One is that the universe was always here, and the other is that God was always here. Why is it immediately obvious that one of these is more likely than the other? Or, put another way, if we say that God made the universe, it is reasonable to then ask, "And who made God"?"

Let's consider God here. Would God be in Nothingness to create in nothingness and to create out of nothingness? Reality exists! There is no beginning and no ending in Reality. Reality is infinite. Creation is finite. What possible need would there be for God to create that which really does not exist or exists only to itself? Would God be in Nothingness? Would God begin that which would end and dissolve into the abyss? Would God create a self-image that does not really exist? Would God create a cosmos and whatever lies beyond that does not exist in God's own Reality? Is this God of religion a God of Nothingness? Is this God of religion the God of Creation?

If Creation is the place of non-reality, then the God of religion must be the God of creation, then the God of Creation must be the God of non-reality. Does this God, then, only exist within the realm of that which is created, being that that which is created does not exist at all? Can 'that which is God' create 'That which is not God or image ? It seems a valid question.

It's no wonder that there have been over four centuries of hostility between religion and science, between faith and reason and general confusion. As there lies deep with in humanity the desire to become God, God, as Reality, must be removed for the transference to occur. Creation is the answer so all must be rearranged that it all appears to be what it is not for that is the nature of image. Image pretends to be what it is not and the result is the distortion and opposite appearance of the original. So too with God and reality. Reality stands in the way of humanity's desire to become God, so God is created as a distorted image of Reality. God and Reality are confused

(more to follow next post. thanks for reading.)

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