Sunday, September 28, 2014

Post #140 "The Hunter and the Hunted"

From the moment a creature becomes aware of Reality as Reality and of self as self, the terrible alternative of choosing is opened to it. There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God. Here is the basis of the struggle. Here is where division creates male and female. Here is where the struggle for survival begins with the need to devour the qualities or better yet, the energies of the female reducing the state of female to that of less than human.

Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace's 'Theory of Natural Selection' well describes this struggle for God's attributes through role playing. Its all a game of Power. Its all a game of who or what has the most attributes of those we have attributed to God, to who has the most ownership of God, to who is the chosen of God. The game is the struggle for survival. The game is the struggle for immortality---for God's immortality. The game is a struggle to become God, for only God is about survival and immortality. God is what we wish God to be. God has what we want. God is immortal. God has immortality. God is what we wish to be. If we were immortal, we wouldn't need God. The game continues with the powerful seeking to devour the qualities or the energy (same thing) of the week to make up for what they lack in their quest to become God.

This action, in order to be successful, requires that the source of nourishment be destroyed, for no true transference can occur until the source, the witness, is destroyed. No true victory can be celebrated until the incriminating evidence is destroyed. The victim must be rendered immobile, impotent, and utterly devastated that it cannot protest, and rightfully seek address for the injustices, or put claim to its stolen qualities. Just how many qualities have been stolen from the feminine over the span of history? How much talent and creativity has been wasted as the feminine has been shackled and deprived of education and opportuniy? What may this world have bee if the feminine had not been enslaved?


The source of nourishment is based on selectivity, for what one takes into one's self  becomes part of one's self. Thee is an old adage that says that we are what we eat. In the context of this writing, this is very true. An example of selectivity would be the choice of prey a hunter in a forest makes as the victim of the hunt is selected, stalked, and killed. The hunter would never find shooting a lame doe as true game. The hunt of a small, lame, doe would not be as satisfying and fulfilling as killing a majectic, eight point, stag. Why? The doe would provide food. Why would killing a noble creature of the forest as the majestic stag be more self-fulfilling to the hunter than taking a lame doe if not to satisfy the hunter's need to possess the qualities of the prey into his own ego system? There must be envy of the stag to do this.The hunter sees the magnificent stag and desires its qualities; its majestic mien, its dignity, its presence, its stateliness , its beauty, its command over the other deer. These qualities add up to Power. Killing the stag gives the hunter ownership of the stag and the stag's qualities. But what happens to the stag? The stag must die. The stag looses its masculine power and becomes a victim as the feminine is, and has been, victim. Its power, its life, becomes the possession of the hunter. In a sense, the stag becomes vulnerable and demasculinized/femininized.

What is the reality of a victim, the vulnerable, the enslaved, the feminine? The feminine does not only reside in humanity as humanity but in each and every person. And its all a matter of choice!

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