Friday, September 5, 2014

Post #127 "The Nature of Violence"

Pulling it all together, then, violence is the result of division. Division is separation that births  alienation. Alienation brings loss of identity which leads to rejection, frustration, and anger. Here is the perfect formula for violence. We have looked at the primary division of creation from Reality, of the creation of creation from the division of atoms. We have looked at division as the make-up of creation from Time to Place to Substance. Truth is the only counter we have for the non-reality of our existence. As we stand at the foot of the mountain of the lies and debris of our history, we see that Truth is much clearer and in more evidence the further down we dig. Truth is at bedrock. We need to find the roots. We need to do all we can to get a clearer picture of who we are, that from here we can determine our purpose. Way down at bedrock there is wilderness of ancient history. There we see a few people, and many trees; nature, the likes of which we have never seen nor anticipated. This view would, in comparison make our world an ugly place of a few scraggly scrub trees, weeds, smog, blight , and millions of people living on a surface of cement. What happened? Whatever caused that person or those people to place the first stone on top of another stone, mortar it in place and begin to erect, out there in the wilderness, the first wall. Here is where we must go to search for answers for this is where it began. Whatever happened there has, throughout history, been multiplied over and over again.
What did that first wall symbolize? It stood for, and stands for, division. Someone wanted to be separate from the others. Others soon joined, and the wall became walls and walls became more walls, until a settlement grew out there in the wilderness. The settlement grew and grew from a wall to many walls and soon there was a city. And more cities. But where are the cities? All one can see now is a large mound, the size of a small mountain covered with silt and scrub growth. Where are those cities? They were destroyed. The cities, as were the settlements, were destroyed. There was violence, back then, as there is now, and then..... total destruction, over and over again.

There is a city in the wilderness of Judea. It is called Jerusalem. Jerusalem is symbolic of the world and all its cultures. Jerusalem tells the story of the history of humankind. It is the prime symbol of division that goes from the building of the first wall in history to the destruction and bombing of the many walls of the old city. Jerusalem is Muslim. Jerusalem is Jewish. Jerusalem is Christian. Jerusalem is claimed by the three great world religions. All three religions grew from a common root. All three come from a common bloodline, all moving under the direction and guidance a common God. All three religions were and are instructed by their God to seek out and destroy all who do not support their point of view or stand in their way. An interesting way to control......just blame it all on your God!

After all the violence of destruction, there remains the loss of identity and this is the real violence. This violence here in Jerusalem of Israel/Palestine is not the most devastating effect. The most devastating effect is the loss of identity, for everyone. Not just everyone in the area, but also in the world that Jerusalem stands for. This is violence within a bloodline. This is violence against those who are family. In fact, the fighting began over the loss of identity and goes back in history at least 4,000 years. It goes back to Abraham of the Book of Genesis and the promises made to him by his God. But other people heard promises made by their God that promised them the same identity as promised to Abraham, and people became violent and more violent. Destrucion resulted until nothing remains in this land of wilderness against civilization but a huge mound of destroyed settlements and cities under silt and scrub growth. All still searching to know who they really are.

(The next post will further discuss the Israel/Palestine situation; its violence and loss of identity)

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