Sunday, October 5, 2014

Post #148 "The Celebration of the Masculine"

This celebration of creation, this celebration of the masculine, this celebration of power, is affirmed and celebrated by, not only the masculine itself, but surprisingly, also by the feminine. Women today would be repelled by such a thought because they feel that they have fought for and achieved equality. No male sincerely considers the female an actual, equal human being in the same sense as the male considers himself and other males as human beings. The feminine is so convinced and genetically implanted with her role as female that she is mostly oblivious to this fact and would actually deny the fact if confronted with it. In all ways, the feminine has been designed and programmed to be the receptacle and nurturer of the masculine, to be the enabler, to be that weakness that creates and sustains power. As hot would not be hot without cold and up would not be up without down, so male would not be male if female would not be female. Women affirm this division in all the ways of their lives. In today's culture many women imitate men in looks and actions. Its a matter of survival really, and women generally struggle much more with survival than men. Women see this desire to imitate men as a rebellion to male domination but the fact that rebellion is necessary further strengthens the duality.One only rebels against the reason for rebelling.

Obviously, equality was not a given in male estimation.To a male, women's imitation of him is seen as envy. As Consciousness envies Reality, the female continues the process of division and envies the male.Its the same story but on a different level of creation. Nothing is as affirming to one's ego as being envied. Women imitate men as an act of appeasement, as an attempt to be enduring, and as a means of survival....survival--the quest for immortality. Contemporary womanhood feels that it has argued and been granted equality, but what is equal and accepted  need not be argued for. What women have really achieved is a nonchalant humoring by males, that, to a man, is no threat. Every man knows that no woman can ever be accepted as a real equal , but it is a fine game to play and plays up masculine strength and further makes women more ridiculous and consequently weaker and weaker. The female imitation  of the masculine qualities enhances the masculine idea of representative of God, particularly in the patriarchal societies throughout history.

Feminine imitation of the masculine is worship. As God is desired and imaged, so the female images the masculine further promoting the masculine as the transference of God into Man and Man into God. The qualities that humanity has created to determine the essence of their God, are the qualities of masculinity, all encapsulated  in Power. The qualities used to describe God are the same qualities of the masculine taken to the highest power; taken to the degree of perfection, masculine perfection. Interestingly, whereas Reality is Entity, the image, the God of Creation. is one part, the masculine, devouring the other part, the feminine, or one race bent on destroying another, or one religion dominating through all degree of control, abuse, and war. What clarification of the proof of the process of division.

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