Monday, October 6, 2014

Post #149 #The Prince"

Power demands weakness. Power needs weakness. Power comes out of and is created by the roiling energy of the void. Power relates to the negative energy that caused creation. Power flows from the energy of division. Power, that is also the turbulent, relentless energy of division, needs weakness, and also needs to affirm itself through conquest. Here the attitude of the masculine displays its utter disdain for weakness, the feminine, and cannot even give it the acknowledgement of its existence by using it as the exercise of its energy. In truth, the male hates the female which represents weakness to him....his weakness, the weakness of humanity. Power must conquer! Power must have an enemy! Power will create its enemy! Power is weakness so it greatly despises itself and created female to absorb the self-hatred. The female...the scapegoat. Power creates its enemy because power must struggle that it may overcome and win that it may assume its proper and fitting place and position. That position, as well noted in mythology and religion, is nothing less than the position of the royal prince who seeks and desires to inherit the kingdom, the prince who desires and chooses to sit at the right hand of God, the prince of power who will become God. This prince can inherit the kingdom only after he disposes of his father, the reigning king. (after he disposes of God). Through the actions of the prince, the king loses respect and takes on his vulnerable, takes on his weakness, takes on the  feminine, and dies. The prince inherits at his father's death.

As the Reality had to be done away with, the king also had to be done away with, and so the mythological story of the prince speaks with the truth that we have, indeed, created death. Now the trick is for us to create life. Its all a matter of survival. We will create life, first through religion and when that fails, through science. Creating life has been until now the means of imitating the Power over death. The male has the power to create life so the attraction of the sexual act for the male, plus, of course, acquiring control over the feminine. The act of sex confirms for the male his claim to his father's kingdom, confirms his claim to be the God of Creation. It boils down to killing the reigning king and rescuing the maiden..... for his own pleasure and use. Besides the father, now reduced to the feminine, the maiden also becomes the prince's victim as she succumbs to his desires. As she is sexually taken by the prince, she becomes his victim and his enemy, so he can and does defeat her. Once taken by him, she also dies to him, her only value as virgin lost. She is no longer the prize. She no longer has value. She now is simply the convenient receptacle and nurturer of his seed.

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