Monday, October 13, 2014

Post #155 "Ultimate Power I"

The issues of existence come down to the basic issue--life; the creation of life, the  sustaining of life, and the control of life. The issue of life must also include the antithesis of life--death. Religion 'assumes' credit for and power over life and so also, consequently, over death. Where religion assumes credit, science 'strives' to assume credit for and 'strives; to assume power over life and death, as science, as previously noted, does not yet have all the answers. Its all a power fight, really...religion and science. Its all based on how to 'Know'....the Knowledge of Faith or the Knowledge of Reason. Faith and Reason are not compatible. Who will win the ultimate victory? It is a power struggle between religion and science and also within religion and science Once the winner,  has found the ultimate key, the struggle will continue as to which person will be given credit for the discovery. That key will be the key to Immortality. Religion claims ultimate power, that is, the power of the Ultimate-the God of Creation. By-the-way, religion considers that Ultimate God to be under its control, meaning that if religion controls God, religion controls and hold ultimate power. A serious study of religion shows exactly that....a power struggle, using outside power, the power of its 'outside of creation' God for ultimate authority and ultimate control. Religion owns God, or so it thinks and acts.The identification of religion's God as Creator and Master, on earth and in heaven, gives meaning to religion's claim to the ultimate power of its God, as religion sees itself as God's earthly presence. As the earthly presence of its God, religion assumes and presents itself as the determinate of spiritual life and spiritual death.

To accomplish this purpose, religion has created grace and sin. Religion determines what is good and what is evil. In fact, one's own philosophy on good and evil becomes one's religion. Religion becomes one's source of power. This 'ultimate power' takes its effect through the threat of sin which means final and everlasting damnation. This 'ultimate power', based on grace and sin, is executed through creeds, laws, commandments, rituals, observances, and celebrations. Thus religion controls , besides life on earth, access to heaven and, seemingly, control of heaven itself. In summation, religion assumes power over temporal life and death through its Law, that is, over the eternal life of grace which is heaven and over the eternal death of sin which it calls hell. Religion demands allegiance through a Faith that may not be questioned or challenged. Religion demands obedience through promises of heavenly reward and threats of eternal hellfire. Religion has demanded, throughout history, total obedience and submission under penalty of the severe torture, deprivation, and merciless wars and slaughters. A logical question here would be; does religion provide answers to life's basic questions for the sake of expressing and interpreting that which is true or does religion provide answers and interpretations that bend or ignore Truth thereby serving its own purpose of self-contained, power based institutions?

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