Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Post #160 "Ultimate Worship"

Is not total dependence on, desire for, and wonder at, forms of worship? Does not that which we worship determine that which we hold to be our God? No wonder religion is so threatened by science. Any discovery by science toward its goal of immortality makes the creation of life seem more possible. A step will be the creation of life, as we know it, in a test tube. That has probably already be accomplished. Every discovery of science threatens religion's Faith-based traditions. How religion had to scramble and feared disclosure, when science declared Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament, a tribal God. When the creation of life and new life forms exist through the efforts of science, how could science not be expected to, rightfully, claim for itself the Ultimate Power as the God of Creation, as religion now claims Ultimate Power for itself; through its Knowing God, through its naming God, through its claiming God, through its efforts to enclose or its efforts to contain God, through seeing itself as representative of  God, and, in other words,  as actually being God on Earth. In summation, science's goals can be interpreted as directed to replacing religion's God of Creation with its very own God of creation---the God of Reason. Herein lays the root of the controversy.

Religion and science are indeed claiming the same turf and competing for the same goal. Religion clams the Ultimate Power as being outside of and beyond the world, as in its ideas of heaven, and the heavenlies. Science claims Ultimate Power in that which can be seen, touched and smelled, as within creation. But in creation as beyond the world.....science has now seen, touched and smelled space. Religion's ideas on space are dated to pre-science. Science has indeed, broadened considerably our beliefs on the heavenlies, which simply means beyond the earth. To science these 'heavenly' words are obsolete. Religion becomes confusing when its reality is thought to be outside the world and as, today, the 'world' becomes creation and includes universe and cosmos, religion with its narrower view of creation becomes very dated and not acceptable to thinkers of a larger scope and larger vision. Besides limited and unlimited views of space, religion and science indeed claim the same turf and compete for the same Ultimate Goal. Another difference between the systems is that one system works through unquestionable obedience called Faith and the other through an empowered sense of self called Reason. Science, as religion, wants to become Creator, but interestingly, can only achieve this by eliminating religion's god which it is in the process of doing. God can only be God through acknowledgement. A god can only become God through worship. The One God can only be The One God through universal acknowledgement, hence the need to have one's God acknowledged by all as supreme Power,.. like in sports, the winner of the pennant or the seasonal trophy...the undefeated God! Science creates its own God and accepts Reason as God over all other ways of knowing. As science proves total dependence on itself, as is more obvious every day, all other Gods will fade away until the God of Reason reigns supreme and there will be no need or desire for the God of Faith, the God of Religion. Science has created and accepted its own God and by making humanity and nature dependent on its God reaches the Ultimate Goal as God is One, there can be no other. Basically, science becomes God, until and if science fails by bring us to the edge of destruction as it seems to be doing. What will happen then? Will humanity, once again, call on the God of Faith?

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