Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Post #157 "Ultimate Power III"


Just what is the question science seeks to understand and then provide the answer to? Physicist Evalyn Gates says that as we enter the twenty-first century, the most urgent and compelling question facing scientists is, "what is the universe made of?" She continues, "Toward the end of the twentieth century there was some thought that the answer had been achieved, that would have then spelled the end of science. It seems we were very wrong. The question has now been completely rewritten." (from Einstein's Telescope" p. 6) One could wonder whether science asked the right question or whether science is still asking the right question or questions. Where does science's question of 'what is the universe made of?' fit into the basic fundamental questions and, consequently, the quest of humanity?

It doesn't seem that science's question of 'what is the universe made of?' would lead to helping humanity determine where to fit into the grand scheme of things. It seems that science's question bypasses the basic quest for identification and purpose. Is science avoiding or pretending to not be avoiding, these basic questions? Is science pretending to have absolutely no resemblance to that which it vehemently opposes and has opposed for 400 years? Does science not recognize the need for the defining and clarification of identity and purpose?

So then, what is science's real purpose? What is essentially behind science's question of what  the universe is made of and its consequent quest? Is science wanting to know for a reason closer to religion's quest for power over life and death. Does science, as religion, want to be the determinate over who lives and who dies? Does science, as religion, want to be the means of and the means to created Life? If Faith in the God of Creation is the Ultimate Power for religion, then what is the Ultimate Power for science? Reason, of course, is the Ultimate Power for science. Then it would follow that Reason, as the Ultimate Power for science, is for science, its God. Reason is a human faculty, hence science outwardly proclaims what religion obscures and hides, that there lies deep within humanity the desire to become God. And what faculty of God makes God, God? Immortality, of course. Conquering mortal immortality brings about Godship. Immortality is the Ultimate  Power and this is the goal of religion and science.

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