Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Post #150 "Perfection"

Here the situation of homosexuality can be understood in male hatred for the feminine, strength hating that it is attracted to, needs and depends on weakness. Hatred follows the realization that one has not yet attained the perfection demanded to become the God of Creation. The male can only truly love what he respects and that would be another male who most resembles the qualities he most needs to complete his own goal of perfection. But, of course, these qualities of the other are desired for ones self. In pedophilia the quality that is desired by the perpetrator is the youth and purity of the victim. In partnerships the coveted qualities of the partner would have to be transferred to the male partner as the prince, thus bringing him closer to God-perfection. The qualities of the other must be devoured in order for the transfer of the qualities to take place, necessitating the death of the lover turned victim in the never ending quest to be what one is not. The image does not easily defeat its reality that it may transfer positions. The reality must be defeated for the transference of qualities to the other. This is a constant struggle. Who will win? Who will be the reigning prince...the closest to perfection? Whoever stands in the way of the transference becomes the enemy. How can the Reality, which the image cannot even grasp or comprehend, be fought? If the Reality or the reality cannot be fought, any enemy will do.

All struggle stems from the original dilemma; the desire to become God. From the desire comes the Choice. The Choice becomes movement, becomes energy. This is the energy of division. This is the energy of the void of pre-creation. The energy of division divides creation upon itself where it ritually and constantly performs its choice. In the biblical Garden of Eden, the Choice to become God is acted out in the eating of the proverbial apple. The apple is eaten and Adam and Eve seemingly split company from the God of the Garden, the God of Creation. The story continues as a struggle for survival in a new and hostile territory. Adam as male, remains the symbolic strength. Eve. as female, is forced into the role of weakness with her body redesigning itself to the weakness of becoming receptacle and nurturer. Adam's strength is represented by his seed, his link to immortality, his claim to the transference into his destination, which has now become a struggle. In this sense of duality, Adam's strength is derived from Eve's weakness. Male is strong because of female's weakness. The feminine becomes the masculine's enabler.

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